Visit the forums. See if other users are experiencing similar download and installation problems by visiting the Reader user-to-user forum, or the Deployment & Installation forum on Try posting your problem on the forums for interactive troubleshooting. When posting on forums, include your operating system and your product's version number.
11 minutes epub download forum
The amount of time it takes to generate and download your MetaHuman's Assets depends on the level of quality you selected, the complexity of your MetaHuman's Assets, and your download speed. On average, it can take 20-30 minutes to generate and download all the required Assets for a MetaHuman.
-- david This gets to be a pain after a while, as I don't download ePub versions of the Pathfinder Tales, one-file-per-chapter versions of the rulebooks, etc.I keep the "My Downloads" page sorted by "Date Added To My Downloads", so finding newly-added stuff is reasonably straightforward. Every now and then I resort by "Date Download Last Updated" to see if I missed anything. That catches most things, but not quite everything - occasionally something gets updated without that field getting changed. This usually seems to happen when errors are spotted (and reported on the forums) almost as soon as a new item gets added; the actual download item gets fixed, but presumably the new file is copied in by hand, and whoever is doing that doesn't always remember to update the timestamp. Or, perhaps, the field really is "Date Last Updated", so multiple updates on the same day are a problem.
So, when I get my monthly new downloads which is probably from six to a dozen new files I want to download, I go to the My Downloads page amd right-click on every link I want to download to open in a new tab. About half of the files will start to download within a few seconds. For the rest I go to the through the tabs and click again on the links that haven't started downlaoding yet and they will start. This process has never taken me more than 5 minutes all in all.